The months of April & May on Long Island are typically cool and wet. Combined with abundant soil moisture and lawn & landscape beginning to wake up from winter dormancy, very little supplemental irrigation is required.
After many years of experience and observation, most landscapes do not require regular watering until mid-May and or Memorial Day. If you must water then 1 -2x per week should be sufficient.
As we visit each home and activate sprinkler systems, please note that we leave the controller in the “off” position. If you must water then please turn the dial on your controller to “on” or “run” position.
When warm weather returns, I recommend watering every other day. In Nassau County, the code is even day of the month for watering for homes that have an even number address and odd days of the month for homes that have an odd number address.
To learn more about proper watering and water management please visit our website at
Please call our office at 631-423-2211 or click here to schedule your spring start up.
We look forward to servicing you this year!