Grass is a high nitrogen feeder and requires a constant source of food and water during the growing season in order to continue providing its green appearance. If not treated properly, it will go into semi dormancy during the summer heat appearing yellow and sparse. To keep our lawns looking healthy, we need to provide fertilizer that is high in nitrogen and in a form that turf can absorb. Traditionally, the fertilizing of lawns takes place around the three holidays of summer; Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. Due to the fact that turf is a cool weather plant and would like to go dormant during the summer we force it to stay green and grow with fertilizer and water. The problem with many of these fertilizers and the current mass marketing programs is that many of these fertilizers are synthetic and contain by- products that are harmful to the soil. The synthetic fertilizers contain a form of nitrogen that is rapidly used up or in some cases dissolves and pollutes nearby bodies of water or our Aquifer such as the problem we are now experiencing on Long Island.
The byproduct of creating a synthetic granular fertilizer is petroleum based and when that is dissolved into the soil it actually harms the beneficial microorganisms, bacteria, and fungi that are actually a big part that help turf and plants thrive. To better understand, please check out the soil food web.
An organic approach to feeding your lawn and plants is to use natural and organic products such as:
- Corn gluten meal
- Fish emulsion
- Your own lawn clippings
- Sea kelp
- Blood meal
- Feather meal
- Aged manure
Products for purchase on the market include Espoma.
Great lawn fertilizers have these characteristics including:
- Slow release of nitrogen.
- Delivers more than the three primary nutrients.
- Feeds the soil.
- Has minimal toxicity to lakes, streams, oceans, and aquifer.
Another great method for feeding your lawn and landscape is fertigation. Fertigation is the introduction of fertilizer and bio-nutrient into your irrigation system. Your irrigation system becomes the delivery system for fertilizing your property.It is highly efficient and very effective as each gallon of irrigation water contains less than a teaspoon of fertilizer. Rain Rich has the proper fertigation equipment and requires no pumps or electricity to operate. The Rain Rich Fertigation System allows you to provide food for your landscape when it needs it. There is never any fertilizer left lying on the ground to be washed away due to a heavy rain storm or absorbed too quickly by plants, or not used at all. You never have to worry about the timing of when to fertilize or miss a date to fertilize.
Our Fertigation system is Environmentally Safe and you can expect water savings of up to 50%!
Please do not hesitate to call us at (631) 423-2211, visit our website or contact us for a free Fertigation estimate. You may also contact us via email at
Rain Rich Sprinklers has been serving Long Island for 30 years and prides itself on providing outstanding service and the best value.