Summer is here and these hot humid days mean a lot of air conditioning and a large electric bill. Check out these ideas we have compiled to help save you money on your electric bill while staying cool at the same time:
- When you and your family are not home, turn your air conditioning off during the day. If you have a timer on your system, set it so that it turns on one hour prior to returning home to cool it down a bit. You can purchase a timer at your local hardware store if you do not have one. On very hot days, we recommend keeping the unit on or a fan for animals. Most air conditioning wall/window units offer an energy saver option which is a great money saver! Another option is to set your unit to 78 degrees during the day and lower when you are home.
- By using a ceiling and other type of fans, you will provide additional cooling and better circulation.
- Open the windows at night! On the cooler days, skip the air conditioning and get some fresh air by opening your windows.
- On the cooler less humid days, turn on a fan and give the air conditioning unit a break for the day. Fans use far less energy than air conditioning and they circulate air more efficiently. They also cost about 1 cent to run for every three hours of usage, as opposed to about 50 cents per hour for air conditioners.
- Keep blinds or shades closed. When open, the sun can heat up a room. You will feel the difference! Turn off the lights when they are not needed, they also add heat.
- If you feel that you are always turning up your air conditioning unit, you should check your windows. Old windows tend to crack, which allows the cool air to escape. Fill these gaps with insulation.
- Clothes dryers use up a lot of energy and produce heat. Try using a clothes line instead on the warmer sunny days. Bonus, it is also better for your clothing! Wash only full loads with your dishwasher, washing machine and dryer.
- Have you air conditioning unit inspected each year. Inspectors can make sure your system is leak-free and operating as efficiently as possible. This will save you money in the long run. Don’t forget to clean air filters often, some units require monthly cleanings.
- Landscape for a cool property. A well-positioned tree can save up to 25 percent of your home’s energy for heating and cooling. For more landscaping tips, visit Better Homes and Gardens.
If you have a pool or pond, consider reducing pool filtration time. Keep on reducing the time as long as the water appears clean. You may find you only need to run your pool filter six hours a day. Install a timer to control the length of time that the pool pump cycles on.
- Turn down the thermostat on your water heater. A setting of 120 F is sufficient for most home needs.
- Consider converting your home from oil to gas. You can save up to 50% when you convert from oil to gas heat and install a new high efficiency natural gas heating system.
- Consider solar panels. The price of solar panels has reduced significantly in recent years and can save you an average of $ 44 to $ 187 per month during the first year owned.
For more great energy saving tips, please visit PSEG.
For more information please contact us at 631-423-2211, email us at or click here.
Stay Cool!