It is officially October and although it is now officially fall it is not too late to repair your lawn or install a new a lawn. Repairing a lawn is all about preparing the soil and removing dead grass and debris from the surface. We want to also provide sufficient watering to germinate seed and provide for growth for the next several weeks. This time of year provides ideal weather conditions as grass loves warm sunny days and cool nights.

Another reason to renovate your lawn now is less competition from weeds and weed seeds. Improving your lawn now produces great results for next spring and summer. Testing the soil and adding the nutrients that are lacking is important for optimal plant health. Rain Rich researches all the best techniques and materials in the market place in order to provide your lawn with the best grass seed, nutrients, and practices.

Preparing the soil and seed bed is a process of core aeration and power raking the existing lawn. Core aeration opens up the soil allowing water, nutrients, and air to enter the soil where the grass roots can access these materials. Power raking removes dead grass and debris from surface and provides a place for grass seed to make contact with the soil. This process is tried and proven and followed by golf course superintendents, athletic field personal, and professional lawn care companies.

If you’ve been thinking about improving your lawn and would like to learn the process  then please give us a call for a free consultation at 631-423-2211 or contact us by clicking here

Have a great fall.