19 03, 2019

Spring is Here! Schedule your sprinkler start up!

By |2019-03-19T11:48:25-04:00March 19th, 2019|Irrigation, Lawn Care, Spring|Comments Off on Spring is Here! Schedule your sprinkler start up!

The calendar says spring begins this Wednesday and although the weather is still cold on Long Island, warm temperatures will be here soon. With that great thought in mind I would like to remind you [...]

10 05, 2018

What’s a spring sprinkler turn on?

By |2018-05-31T15:10:36-04:00May 10th, 2018|Spring, Summer|Comments Off on What’s a spring sprinkler turn on?

I get asked this question all the time and according to different irrigation owners it means different things. For some, turning the water on and programming the controller are enough. Unfortunately, that will not work [...]

19 04, 2018

What’s New in Irrigation for 2018?

By |2018-10-17T15:46:28-04:00April 19th, 2018|Irrigation, Landscape Lighting, Spring, Tips|Comments Off on What’s New in Irrigation for 2018?

The spring season has begun and the Rain Rich Team is busy turning on systems and designing and installing new irrigation systems for Long Island residential and commercial properties. There are several new and not [...]

5 04, 2018

What is a Spring Start Up and Summerizing of Sprinkler Systems?

By |2018-10-17T15:46:28-04:00April 5th, 2018|Irrigation, Spring|Comments Off on What is a Spring Start Up and Summerizing of Sprinkler Systems?

After a long winter of dormancy on Long Island, it’s time to activate the sprinkler system and have it ready for spring and summer. Although most sprinkler system are able to remain inactive after long [...]

20 07, 2017

Sprinkler System Check Up- Mid Summer

By |2017-07-20T16:10:25-04:00July 20th, 2017|Lawn Care, repairs, Summer|Comments Off on Sprinkler System Check Up- Mid Summer

This week brings us into mid-summer and a great time to check on your sprinkler system. A lot can happen between the time we turn your sprinkler system on and now. The spring start up [...]

13 06, 2017

Does Your Sprinkler System Stay On When Your Controller Says “off”?

By |2018-10-17T15:46:30-04:00June 13th, 2017|Irrigation, Lawn Care, repairs, Summer, Tips|Comments Off on Does Your Sprinkler System Stay On When Your Controller Says “off”?

Thankfully, our Long Island municipal water suppliers do a very good job of pumping water from our Aquifer and delivering to your home. They filter the water, treat it, and deliver in a safe and [...]

6 06, 2017

Long Island Rainy Weather!

By |2018-10-17T15:46:30-04:00June 6th, 2017|Irrigation, Lawn Care, Spring, Summer, Tips, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Long Island Rainy Weather!

This Spring, Long Island has been unusually wet and cool and for most of us with established landscaping there should be no need to irrigate on a regular schedule. I am still actively turning systems on, [...]

20 04, 2017

When should I start watering?

By |2018-10-17T15:46:30-04:00April 20th, 2017|Irrigation, Lawn Care, Spring|Comments Off on When should I start watering?

As the temperatures begin to climb on Long Island, many of our clients ask us when they should begin watering automatically. Watering requirements can be very different from one property to the next due to [...]

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